Election day.
Yikes, I can't believe its already here and gone! I was only able to watch part of the whole inauguration process, but I did see Obama sworn in and heard his speech.
It was incredible seeing the thousands of faces of people in the crowd in D.C. on the mall. I don't know how so many people crammed in that place, but they were most certainly there, and the whole day was certainly momentous and historical. It was said that the number of people in the crowd was the biggest its ever been to attend the swearing in of a U.S. president. I can only imagine what it would have been like to see that, and to experience it all.
There are so many cool things about this day, yet so many things that scare me. Seriously.
Good things: President Obama is now the first african-american president, and he has certainly won over the support of many many Americans.
He's promised some good change, but has promised some things for America that I'm not so sure about.
Annnnnddd.....that's all I can think about for the goods. Hopefully that list grows.
He spoke often in his speech of the big melting pot that America has become and should continue to become. He made specific mention of religions too: Christians, Muslims, Jews, Hindu, etc....he said we are all coming together and working together and living together. It may be true that many other religious groups will call this place we know as America home too, but I pray to God that that does not smudge the defining line between Christianity and any other religion in the world. I hope that more than ever, we as ambassadors for Christ never forget our true mission and purpose in the crazy messed up world....and that is to do just that: to be ambassadors for Him. I hope we will hold to the guidelines God has set up for us in His word, and I pray will never stray from them, or hold them of less esteem that we do now.
It seems that his speech stressed the importance of coming together, of accepting everything, and everyone, different lifestyles, opinions, religions, ...everything. "Be one..." they say. I can't help but to refuse that. I will not melt in and be "one" with the world I have been put here to fight against. Satan's forces are ever fighting in our midst for the soul of every human being on this planet. How can I sit back and just let everyone be "one" and be happy with their sinful ways?
No. I'm sorry Obama. I will not be one with the nation. I will follow my God-given purposes in this life.
All this talk of the new-age scares me too. We're destined to see so much change happen in our lifetime. Yet it's already begun. Obama will probably sign the freedom of choice act once active in office as well-- allowing mothers to have abortions legally. I can't express how grieved I will be if this act actually passes. We're all about "equality" and being "one" in this nation, yet we've lost the VALUE of a human life!!! Apparently gays and lesbians deserve to live in peace and happiness, have equal rights and be protected by law, but a baby can't. Hmm. What's wrong with this picture??
I could go on about things I hope that don't happen in this new presidency, in this new path we've begun....but I can't.
I am praying for Obama this year, that God will grip his heart, guide him to make the right decisions, pass the right bills, follow not in the ways of the world, or be persuaded by those that really should not be persuading him. He's certainly not entering office during an easy time in America's history.
I pray he'll be strengthed, that he'll have endurance to make it through each day and the stresses that come with getting adjusted to living in the white house.
I pray he'll always have time for his family, that their relationship will be strengthened and not weaked by this new job he has taken on.
Most of all, though, I pray he finds a true relationship with Christ, and that he will listen to God for wisdom and guidance above all and any opinion.
It's history in the making. I'm excited to be a part of it, but I pray for God's protection as we go forward in these crazy times!
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7 years ago