
[WAY overdue.]

Well....I'm obviously not an avid blogger. Last time I made a post, Ethan was 23 days away from his due date...haha! My sweet baby is now 7 months old! I can't believe how time has flown! Maybe that will explain why I haven't written in so long ;)

Really, maybe I'll just write a little bit about everything I've missed so far.
Maybe I'll start with his birth day? Wow. I'm so behind. I'll intermit some photos from our recent family shoot with Zao Photography because pictures make reading stories better :)

For those who don't know the story--Ethan's original due date was Nov. 9. He was born on Oct. 22.
Two days before he was born (thurs. the 20th), I got the stomach flu (or something) really bad. I couldn't eat or drink anything and keep it down. I hadn't been that sick in a LONG time. Needless to say it started some contractions, and they got worse as it went on into the night. Finally the nurse at my OBGYN told me to head to the hospital. My mom was afraid I was too dehydrated. Long story short--I was really dehydrated--they gave me 2 bags of IV and sent me home around 4am. (ug!) My mom and my hubby were such troopers and were there with me through the whole thing. Ben even made it back in to work by noon or so the next day.

Funny enough, my friend from work had planned a baby shower for me that following night (friday), and despite some pretty uncomfortable contractions, I went. It was a great time, and I got through it, but after everyone had left and we were standing around talking to my parents at their place, the contractions really started to hurt. My mom looked at me and told me I'd be having a baby by the next day. I almost didn't believe her! She walked me through some quick breathing techniques (I still hadn't taken the classes...) and then Ben and I went home so I could try and "rest."

After being in pain and not moving from my couch the once home- by 4am or so, Ben and I realized my contractions were about 4 min. apart and about 30 seconds each. I was in labor!! I was kind of in shock! After all, I thought I still had at least 2 weeks left! We called my mom and she and my sis met us at Wesley birth center where they got me all settled in.

Funny thing is--I always thought I would be TERRIFIED of the epidural, but by the time they were able to give it to me I was begging for it!! Ha! This was around noon or so, and by 2pm or so ( I forgot the time!! I need to go look it up...) Ethan James Jung was born! :)

Funny story: Ben and I didn't decide between the two names we were debating on until Ethan's birthday. I was relaxing in the whirlpool in the hospital with Ben, and we finally picked the first name then. We're terrible! Haha!

The whole experience was the most amazing thing I've ever gone through. It all happened SO fast though, I often wish I could relive it again. Although, we hope to have another one in the future sometime, so that wish may come true :) (An no...I'm not preggo ;)

Sooo much has happened since then, and I won't try to cover it all in this post...but being a full-time mom is the most incredible, rewarding job ever. I never imagined being a full time mom, really....but I so understand why God made and designed families to work this way. I'm so thankful Ben enjoys his job as much as I like mine, too. Despite his long hours, we really are blessed by such a perfect fit of a job for him, and are thankful for God's provision in that area.

In the mean time, I get to do my photography business out of home, and I think I update my photo blog more than I do this one. Here's the link if you haven't seen it yet! :)

Thanks for reading, if you actually read all of this---it was a long one! I'll try to do more updating next time.

Love from the Jung house!