I've been reading in Genesis lately, (in my ESV Study bible, btw, just a small plug for this amazing tool and road map for my life, go
here to check it out yourself :)
Anyway, back to the point--
Genesis 6:
"When man began to multiply on the face of the land and daughters were born to them,
2 the sons of God saw that the daughters of man were attractive. And they took as their wives any they chose. [...]
5 The
Lord saw that the wickedness of man was great in the earth, and that every intention of the thoughts of his heart was only evil continually.
6 And the
Lord was sorry that he had made man on the earth, and it grieved him to his heart. "
There is something significant here (noted by the esvsb,) about the way of men's hearts and the pattern of sin we have become prone too because of the fall. In the first couple verses of this chapter, it says that the sons of God "
attractive (good)...and
Remember how sin even entered into the world? Check back in Gen. 3:6:
6 So when the woman
saw that the tree was
good for food, and that it was a delight to the eyes, and that the tree was to be desired to make one wise,she
took of its fruit and ate, and she also gave some to her husband who was with her, and he ate."
really stuck out to me today....this is the pattern we as sinful people have followed since the fall in the garden of Eden.
We see something, it looks good to our human eyes, and we take it. It is the sickening pattern of our society these days. We do not consider the consequences, we are prone to satan's every temptation, and how often do we take the bait in front of us? It's everywhere. The temptations to get more, be more, have more, buy more, take take take TAKE. I only wish I could say I was good at not taking the bait, but I'm not. I fail over and over, I am a sinner in debt to His grace, and will always be imperfect. There is no one capable of being completely like Christ. We're not even worthy to call ourselves His children even
after we have accepted His GIFT (the opposite of taking!) of eternal life.
I guess that's why I'm so grateful and excited that He has shown me His never-failing love and forgiveness!! To think that the sin we commit
grieves the Lord's heart.....wow. Shouldn't that make us
want to be like Him? To
pursue godliness and righteous living? Shouldn't that make us want to guard our hearts against the tempter when he comes knocking? To give more of ourselves in love?
If the world only had more love it would be a better place to live. Love is obviously the opposite of taking, and Christ showed us the ultimate form of love on the Cross. In the words of one of Brandon Heath's songs..."No greater gift [has ever been given]... There has never be a greater love than your son, no not ONE, there will never be a greater LOVE
no not one. With His life you have forgiven us, hope has come!"
What is love? (1. Cor. 13) It is definately not selfish. It is patient. It is enduring. It does not end. Isn't this what Christ showed us when he died in OUR place? He
endured His fathers wrath, so we wouldn't have to. If He wasn't patient with us, would He forgive us? Does He tell of an end to His love? Of course not!
Knowing THIS should change our every action, motive, attitude, feeling, and heart. We should rejoice in our every circumstance, our true heart's desire should be for Him! To please Him in ALL that we do, not just some of the things. We should be willing and
want to sacrifice everything for His glory.
I wish I could say again, that I was perfect at this. It is only by the grip of the Holy Spirit I can say I am trying all the more.