
[tired eyes.]

...When it rains, it pours.

Lord, I need your help!! I'm not strong enough to handle any of this on my own. I need you, and I yet I feel so far from you.
I've got to figure out how to manage a crazy schedule so devotions keep getting pushed aside! 4hrs. of sleep for half a week doesn't do much help either :/



  1. Praying, Leah! *Hugs* Sleep deprivation does seriously complicate...everything. :) Will you get a chance to rest this weekend?

  2. Thanks, Shannon!!
    No, not a chance to rest this weekend, in fact, it will probably continue to consist of late nights....Hence me dying for this next week to be over!!! I'll probably get some good sleep once next thursday night rolls around.... As long as my teachers and everything else doesn't continue to pile on at once! :/
